High Holy Days
High Holy Days
Dear Members and Friends,
Greetings from Temple Emet. We wish you a happy and healthy upcoming New Year
Temple Emet, Rabbi Cantor Didi Thomas and I want to welcome you to our warm, inviting, (and very musical) spiritual services. The schedule of services is as follows:
Temple Emet - Torrance:
Erev Rosh Hashanah
Rosh Hashanah Day
Tashlich (on the Redondo Beach Pier, behind Kincaids 4:00 p.m. -Driving Directions
Kol Nidre,
Yom Kippur,
(The service will conclude with Yiskor and Neilah)
Break the fast pot luck:
- If you have sent in your membership dues for 2023-2024, your tickets for our services will be mailed to you as soon as they are printed. If you have not sent in your membership renewal, please do so right away, and your High Holy Days tickets will be mailed to you as soon as your membership is processed.
- Tickets for students and active military personnel are complimentary. Appropriate identification is required. Non-member tickets for your relatives, friends, and neighbors (26 years and older) are available for $180.
- Yizkor Booklet and Tickets Form
- The deadline for the Yizkor booklet, so please mail your order form as soon as possible. If you have questions about your tickets, the Yizkor booklet or our High Holiday services you may call Judi Fradkin at 310-612-2031.
L’Shanah Tovah Tikatevu!
High Holy Days Sermon Links 5779
5779 Erev RHAC Sermon https://youtu.be/hDYvD2prhdY
5779 Day RH Sermon https://youtu.be/VKUmsIDUTZE
Kol Nidrei Sermon https://youtu.be/80t7jwwKW3Y
Yom Kippur Day Sermon https://youtu.be/eGdnQjKJqXM
Fri, February 14 2025
16 Sh'vat 5785
Upcoming Events
Saturday ,
FebFebruary 15 , 2025Second Saturday Service
Shabbat, Feb 15th 10:30a to 2:00p
February 15, will be our second Saturday service beginning at 10:30 am with a Memorial Service in memory of the one year anniversary of the death of Sandy Teicher, followed by an extended kiddush luncheon sponsored by Gail in loving memory of her beloved husband, Sandy. -
Saturday ,
FebFebruary 22 , 2025Havdalah Service
Motzei Shabbat, Feb 22nd 7:00p to 8:00p
Havdalah and Learning! Start the week with a bisl music. musings and more! With Stacey Abigail Morse, or course! Including Misheberach and Kaddish Please remember to bring a donation of food, toiletries, pet food, or gently used clothing every time you visit Temple Emet -
Tuesday ,
FebFebruary 25 , 2025Sisterhood Meeting
Tuesday, Feb 25th 4:00p to 5:00p
The Temple Emet Sisterhood will be having its next meeting on Tuesday, February 25th @ 4 pm on ZOOM.
LiveStream Link
Raise Money for Temple Emet
You can raise funds for the Temple through the Amazon Smile program. With this program, when you shop on Amazon, you can choose to have .05% of the Amazon purchase price donated to Temple Emet. This does not increase the purchase price for the buyer.
To participate in the program, simply hit the below link and shop the way you would normally shop.
Click here for our Amazon Link
If you use the above link when you shop and it says "Supporting Temple Emet" in the top of the screen, you have done this right. If you cannot access using the link, just search smile.amazon.com and select Temple Emet in Torrance as the recipient of your shopping donation.
Any questions contact Jeff Lewis at jeffreylewis@templeemet.org.
Thanks so much for your support!
Purchase a Flashdrive
Purchase our Logo Flashdrive
for $18.00 and have your favorite sermon, service, photos
added at no extra cost.
Contact judi@templeemet.org
for information
"Everything Emet Eats"
Cookbooks are here and available for purchase. Each book is $18.00
Call, text, or email judi@templeemet.org
at (310)612-2031
Make check payable to
Temple Emet Sisterhood.
Please send payments and all correspondence to
Temple Emet PO Box 1324 Torrance, CA 90505 marcia@templeemet.org 2051 W. 236th Street, Torrance, CA 90501 310.316.3322Privacy Settings | Privacy Policy | Member Terms
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